About us

Who are we?

"Spubi" is an abbreviation for trace bee (in germ Spurbiene).

Track bees have a special task in the bee colony. They search for a new location for a homeless bee colony and that is exactly our mission:

We bring bees and nature lovers together, make it easier for beekeepers to find a site and thus promote beekeeping.

Spubi is based on two approaches.

  • As young beekeepers, we had to cope with the situation of finding a completely new place to keep bees for a colony, which proved to be a challenge. At the same time, there are (fortunately) numerous bee enthusiasts. However, these often have no direct access to the little "buzzers".

  • As a nature-loving team with an IT background, we felt the need to find a digital solution to this problem that also offers social added value, does something good for nature and reaches as many nature lovers as possible.

Spubi is a platform for all those who also want to actively live and experience nature conservation. If you are interested in learning more about life with bees, if you already provide a home for bees or would like to do so, then please register and join us and let's do something good together!

The beekeeper in the team.

Grischa found his way to beekeeping not so long ago through "neighbourly help". Since then, fascinated by the little creatures, he has flooded his surroundings with bee ideas. His motivation for Spubi is based on his ambitions as a young beekeeper, combined with the desire to bring together people who think alike and to do good together.

The technophile part of our team.

His motivation for Spubi is based on his desire to contribute to the preservation and protection of nature. He spends his free time in nature either on his motorbike or hiking. Being outdoors is his balance to his job. It helps him to clear his head after a long day at the agency.

The organisational talent in the team.

Apart from that, Lisa is a passionate globetrotter and forest-bathing leisure yogi with a clear statement: "There is no better place for me to just be than nature". Gratitude and respect for flora and fauna consciously shape actions here. Spubi is the opportunity to express this gratitude. Bees with their pollen hives are particularly popular with Lisa.

Author Andreas

The artistic part of the team.

Andreas was directly "spubified". A project with a direct connection to nature, the claim to be sustainable and at the same time a lot of potential for creative work and actively lived togetherness were the deciding factors to directly join the team. Now he not only brings in his distinct sense of aesthetics and his creative ideas, but also combines them with empathy and the joy of working with people. He is the Spubi ace for social media. In his spare time, he plays football and likes to capture nature with his camera.