To the point - the most frequently asked questions about Spubi and living together with honey bees.
Just write us an email at info@spubi.de. We are happy to receive feedback and ideas!
Please discuss all details regarding the installation site with your beekeeper. There are very different approaches here. However, you can already take a first indication of the location from the Spubi beekeeper profile. We generally recommend a sunny, less frequented place with sufficient space and quiet around the hive and the flight path.
In principle, the beehive can be approached directly. However, this means stress for the bees. The bees go into alarm mode if you approach the flight hole directly from the front. We therefore recommend not regularly entering a radius of about two metres around the hive. This relaxes the bees and provides an initial "natural sting protection".
Bees are very peace-loving insects. However, they defend themselves when threatened and rarely attack for no reason. If a bee stings a person, it usually means their death. The bee's stinger tears out when it stings and the bee knows this. That is why bees "nudge" intruders and troublemakers before they sting. So if a bee flies noticeably at you, danger is imminent.
See also our answers to the FAQ's "How dangerous is a bee sting" and "Quick help - which home remedies are effective for bee stings?
Mowing around the hive is certainly necessary sometimes. However, it can also disturb the bees and should therefore not be done regularly. However, if it is unavoidable, we advise you to wear protective clothing. For this we recommend long, tight clothing and something to protect your face. If in doubt, please consult your beekeeper.
What flowers can I plant for the bees? You can now find a wide range of insect-friendly flowers and herbs in well-stocked DIY and flower markets. These are usually labelled with an appropriate sign and/or information. When choosing your flowers, you should also pay attention to the future location and needs of the plants, so that you and the bees can enjoy the splendour of the flowers for a long time. You can read more about planting in our blog.
A distinction is made between fungicides (against fungal diseases), herbicides (against weeds), insecticides (against insects), molluscicides (against snails) and acaricides (against mites). All these products contain toxins that are more or less harmful to bees. We therefore advise you to use natural alternatives and to seek professional advice in the trade. You can read more about pesticides in our blog.
Both dogs and cats usually react very curiously to their new neighbours, but caution is advised here too. Many stings or bites in sensitive nerve nodes (e.g. dog's nose) carry risks of injury. Otherwise, both bee and pet learn very quickly how to deal with the other. After a short time, dogs and cats usually no longer find the hive so interesting and avoid it.
Bee stings contain the bee's venom and can be very painful. However, the stings are not normally life-threatening. However, allergic reactions can occur, in which case the emergency services should always be called. If in doubt, please consult a doctor before setting up and be sure to express your concerns to your Spubi beekeeper so that he can inform you even better.
There are a variety of grandma's home remedies. The classic is probably the onion. Its juice is said to work wonders and reduce swelling and itching. It is important to remove the sting with tweezers or similar and not to squeeze the venom sac. Constant cooling is also recommended. In our experience, "sucking out" the venom or the sting is not helpful. The best remedy against insect bites is to avoid them. We therefore recommend that you always cover drinks and food outdoors.
You can find more information in our FAQ "How dangerous is a bee sting?
Anyone who observes a bird bath in midsummer will quickly notice how insects are also happy about the water supply. This also applies to the industrious honey bees, which also need water for their digestive processes. A bird bath with climbing aids such as small branches, pebbles or shards of clay saves the bees long journeys and is gratefully accepted.
Keep calm!
The death of several bees can have many reasons. The best thing to do is to consult your Spubi beekeeper as soon as possible. Perhaps you have already noticed a few changes. Are the bees behaving differently than usual? Has anything changed in the immediate vicinity of the hive? Are there many wasps or hornets around? Has it been dry and hot for a long time? Are the bees unusually large (drones) or do the bodies have unusual marks (torn wings, antennae)? All these are good clues for your beekeeper and help him to quickly analyse the situation and take the right measures.